Treating Sinus Infections
Sinus infections, or otherwise known as sinusitis, affects millions of people in the United States every single year. People who have a weak immune system, allergies, structural blockages, or asthma may be more vulnerable to developing a sinus infection. Patients often turn to an allergy doctor, like an allergist in Centerville, VA from Black & Kletz Allergy, for relief from their sinus infections. If you think you have a bad cold, but it hasn’t decreased in severity, we highly recommend coming in for a consultation. It isn’t uncommon for sinus infections to be mistaken as an unrelenting cold.
Definition of Sinusitis
When the sinuses become inflamed, this is referred to as “sinusitis”. Viruses or mold can contribute to a sinus infection developing. Those with weaker immune systems may be increasingly likely to suffer from a fungal or bacterial sinus infection. People who have allergies can suffer from fungal sinus infections that stem from an allergen, such as mold or fungi particles in the environment. Sinus infections that last from 3-8 weeks are considered acute, and any longer than that is deemed chronic.
Sinus Air Cavities
Sinuses are comprised of air-filled cavities and are located on both sides of the nasal bridge, behind the nose, within the structure of cheekbones, and behind the forehead/eyebrows. Due to the location of the sinus cavity, sinus infections must be treated by an allergy doctor before it can worsen. In very rare and extreme cases, a sinus infection can spread to a patient’s brain.
How Sinuses Work
In general, sinuses have a thin mucus layer that traps germs, dust, and other particles in the air around us. Our sinuses have tiny hair-like extensions that sweep this mucus and everything trapped within it, towards the back of the throat. After that, these particles are absorbed by the stomach as a normal part of body functioning. Infections or allergies can cause swelling of the mucus lining, forcing these little sweepers to become blocked.
Symptoms of Sinus Infections
Common symptoms associated with sinus infections include greenish discharge, congestion, face tenderness at the bridge of the nose and under eyes, headaches, teeth pain, fever, bad breath, fatigue, and coughing. An allergy doctor may discourage patients from trying to diagnose their condition solely based on symptoms and without medical intervention. We can ask you several questions in addition to examining your throat, nose, and sinuses to figure out the type and severity of your sinus infection. An allergy doctor may prescribe antibiotics, oral steroids, perform a biopsy, run a sinus CT scan, or take a sample for a mucus culture before making a diagnosis.
Anyone who is struggling with treating a potential sinus infection on their own can book a free consultation with an allergy doctor. We can imagine the discomfort you may be experiencing, and how desperate you may be to simply find relief. Let a doctor help you figure out the root of the problem and begin treatment immediately.